Change ticket
Quick and easy
Change ticket
Log in to view or change your booking
- Log in with your booking or phone number
- Choose a new departure
- View the price of the new ticket
- Confirm the change and pay any difference in price between the new and the old ticket.
- Log in with your booking or phone number
- If your ticket can be refunded, you can use the “Refund” button
- If your ticket is non-refundable, it is only possible to obtain a refund for any add-ons Please note that the entire ticket will be cancelled
- Not all tickets are refundable via our automatic refund process. If so any discrepancy appears, please contact our customer service.
Change ticket
New travel plans? No problem!
All tickets to ORESUNDSLINJEN can be changed quickly and easily on our website if you wish to travel at a different time.
You can often save a lot of money by booking your trip with ORESUNDSLINJEN as early as possible. If your travel plans change in the meantime, it is easy to change your tickets online – right up until departure!
Low-price tickets can be changed online for a fee of SEK 100 per change for cars and SEK 45 for foot passengers, while no change fee is charged for Standard-tickets. If there is a price difference between the new and old ticket, this is paid in connection with your change. However, if the new ticket costs less than the original ticket, you will not be reimbursed for the difference.
Please note that a ticket can only be changed to another departure within the validity period. If you change your ticket to another ticket type, for example a Standard-ticket, the ticket terms of the original ticket will still apply to the changed ticket.